Dancing at Dudley

Dudley 2Yesterday was an outing to Dudley for adult sequence couples competitions. The team consisted of Neil & Carla, Andy & Dawn and Stuart & Andrea.

A slightly less imposing venue than some we visit therefore creating a warm friendly atmosphere. Although of course we always like some challenges and today’s was the shape of the floor. It was ovalish so no straight sides and corners to plan routines around but everyone did very well navigating their way around.

Attendance at these local events is very important as it gives the all important match-practice and ensures results and positions gained at previous events are consolidated. This was certainly achieved.

Neil & Carla won the Classical Improvers, were 2nd in the Latin Sequence and 3rd in the Over 35yrs Classical and Modern Sequence. Andy & Dawn were 1st in the Latin Sequence and Over 35yrs Classical and Modern Sequence. Stuart and Andrea were 3rd in both the Senior Classical and Modern Sequence.

Well done to you all. You all looked as if you were enjoying your dancing and as always were beautifully attired.