No Lights, No Cameras, but a ton of Action.

The Mystery Blogger reports on from recent event, but can you guess their identity???

Competition time again but this Sunday it was on our doorstep and run by our very own Robert and Louise, along with a great many selfless volunteers. With such a wondrous sense of community and support at this event, it easily makes it my personal favourite every year. All of our competitors were dressed to the nines with the boys suited up and the girls looking as elegant as always and wearing their diamonds. We had a few new competitors joining us for their first competition who provided some incredible entertainment and equally fantastic results which only added to the atmosphere during proceedings.

Starting with the adult sequence first and the dances chosen for this year were the Liberty Two Step and Tango Serida, which are both hard dances to perform with very sharp and precise movements. This section consisted of around an hour’s worth of hard-fought competition before the final rounds were completed. Everyone partnering for our school barely had chance to catch their breath before being delightfully recalled to the next round, either for themselves or their respective partners (of which I had two). A partner who definitely deserves an honourable mention is Karen Hoskin who I don’t think anyone saw off the floor for the entire day, I’m sure all of your partners are incredibly grateful.

Magnificent results were achieved in spades throughout all sections, from sequence to ballroom and all the way through into the later latin events where everyone still gave their all. The raffle tickets were sold by our trusty team and later drawn throughout the day. One of my supporters is definitely a big fan of the raffle and luckily won one of the fantastic prizes.

My personal highlight of the day has to be watching the 6 years and under walks and points. In this event all of the future stars spaced themselves out and put on a fabulous performance winning the hearts of all the crowd. Even more so when the spacing seemed to vanish and it gave the appearance of a formation dance with Robert leading them around the floor!

Speaking of stars, S club’s reach for the stars made its regular appearance and ended the day on the high note upon which it began. I look forward to dancing with everyone again for our second Dancesteps competition of the year in June!

Your mysterious blogger.

Dancesteps Competition – West Park

Yesterday saw us all making the short trip to West Park for the first of our two annual competitions. A report on the day will follow shortly from our mystery blogger but just a few headlines and thanks to give.

Firstly, as always, everyone was immaculately turned out and the support was terrific. We had 44 competitors including some dancing with us for the first time: Andrew, Kathryn, Heather, Shanae, Ellie and Charlotte Brightwell. Of these Ellie, Kathryn and Charlotte won one of their events so congratulations to all of you. We had 40 first places overall as well as some stand out performances where people perhaps exceeded their expectations. There were just too many to mention you all by name however, but well done to you all.

In the couples events there were some first time partnerships who also won their events so congratulations to Isobel & Grace S and Molly & Miriam.

We had some new additions to the Bears Brigade, who were magnificently attired for the occasion and thoroughly enjoyed their first outing.IMG_2001

In the final analysis it was just an all round great team effort, the dancers, supporters, teachers and helpers. There was a great atmosphere and it wouldn’t happen without you. Thank you all and don’t forget the next competition is on 11th June followed closely by our own event on June 25th. Make sure you don’t miss out.

p.s. Boris has asked me to let you know how very proud he is to be associated with you all and looks forward to the next outing!!