Chesterfield Sequence Day

The summer holidays are already becoming a distant memory and the competition season is making a welcome return. The first event of this term is our sequence competition which take place, in conjunction with Steven & Helen, at Stavely near Chesterfield.

The day commenced with the children’s events and we had three bold dancers attending this event for the first time. All the events they entered were solo and it’s no easy task trying to remember six dances and performing them on your own on the competition floor. However, Brooke, Tabatha & Phoebe rose to the challenge and showed they are strong, competent dancers. In the Juvenile Square Tango & Ragtime Swing,  Brooke and Tabatha had to come through two rounds to make the final, coming a very respectable 5th & 6th respectively. In the Under 10yrs Pas de Basque & Walks and Gainsborough Glide, Tabatha & Phoebe again had to come through two rounds to make the final, this time Tabatha came 5th & Phoebe 6th. In the  Under 12yrs solo the judges couldn’t differentiate and Tabatha & Brooke tied for 4th place. In the Open Fylde Waltz & Waverley Two Step, Brooke came 4th. Then to conclude the afternoon, Phoebe danced through two rounds of the Under 8yrs Rosette Two Step & Square Tango to secure a 5th place in the final. They should all be very proud of how they all danced as well as achieving great results.

It was then the turn of the adult competitors. They danced their warm up  rounds during the afternoon and then their finals took place during the evening social dance. It was lovely to see so many people come for the social dance, giving them the opportunity to join in some general dancing and also to show such brilliant support for the competitions. I’m sure it was much appreciated by the competitors and they all ‘upped their game’ in response.

The results were Josh & Grace were 3rd in both their classical and modern sequence events. In the process dancing a lovely interpretation of the Elizabethan Waltz. Stuart & Andrea were also 3rd in both of their events and Craig & Emma secured two wins in their events. By far the biggest entry of the adult section was the  Over 35yrs social, which required three rounds to determine the final platings. It was a very conclusive result for the school. In the classical event, Paul & Karen won, with Neil & Carla 2nd, Andrew & Dawn 3rd and Chris & Serena (being a new partnership to this event) securing 5th. Considering the strong competition this was a massive success. In the modern  sequence event there were some slight changes, this time Neil & Carla secured the win over Paul & Karen, Andrew & Dawn were 3rd again and this time Chris & Serena achieved 4th.

Thanks to everyone who attended whether to compete or support from both our dance school and other dance schools across the country. Also, thanks to our loyal team of helpers, Jean, Julie, Ruth & Liam on the door and assisting with the  scrutineering, Brian & Janice in the kitchen, Auntie Joan ticket collecting, Julie as first aider and of course Luke adjudicating.

The next couple of weeks will be spent ensuring everyone is settled into our new studio with the next competition on 22nd Sept in Bourneville. Also, remember if you wish to attend the Christmas party deposits need to be paid by 13th Sept (adults only) & ISTD Blackpool ticket and accommodation money is also due on the same date.

It’s Official

The official launch party of the new purpose designed Duesbury Aldred Dance Centre Studio took place yesterday and over sixty dancers and well wishers attended to view the new premises and celebrate its opening. The venture has been some eighteen months in the planning and building and we look forward to taking up residence soon after the summer break.

Guest of honour was of course Boris who performed the official opening ceremony alongside Louise and Robert. He was quoted as saying “it’s been hard work over the last few months pulling in the building work and supervising the team of builder bears alongside my regular duties but it’s all been worthwhile in the end”

We look forward to getting up and running in the near future-who will be the first to quickstep over the threshold?

Final ISTD Qualifier

It was a day filled with top sporting action elsewhere but where would you find our team of dedicated dancers? At a dance competition of course. Hardly having had time to catch breath after Blackpool we were once again in action at the last Northern Area ISTD qualifier in Castleford. 

Whilst most of our dancers had already qualified there were a few with some work to do and for the others it was a good opportunity to gain some valuable “match practice”. The team was a little reduced today but nevertheless we still had a good showing. Grace S was our only representative today in the children’s section but upheld the reputation of the school by making the final of her ballroom, Latin and sequence events finishing with two second places and a 6th respectively a great result.

It was then the turn of the adults, starting with the sequence events and these always attract the largest entries, since there are no grade splits. All danced well particularly those who were partnering each other, as well as competing themselves. In the under 35 years section  Grace P, Olivia and Josh all made the final finishing first, third and fourth. As did Carla, Dawn, Dennis and Sue in the over 50 years section, filling second to fifth places in that order. The over 35 years section was a straight final, of seven dancers, with Paul, Karen, Neil and Chris taking the first four place again in that order.

Next followed the ballroom and Latin events and there were wins today for Rosalind, Grace P, Josh, Chris, Paul and Hazel in both ballroom and Latin. Also winning today were Olivia, Neil  and Carla in the ballroom and Debbie and Karen in the Latin. In the couples events there were wins for Craig & Olivia, Chris & Rosalind, Josh & Grace, Neil & Carla  and Paul & Karen. A good day all round then and plenty to be pleased about but, as always more work to be done before Blackpool.

A big thank you to Grace P, Josh and Olivia for stepping up to partner, alongside competing themselves, in the absence of our regular partnering team. Also to those who partnered each other: Josh & Grace, Dennis & Sue and Craig & Emily

It has been a busy few months as always and everyone has worked hard especially Boris who will soon be leaving for Bearmuda once again for his Summer break. He is looking forward to recharging the batteries before returning fully refreshed for the Autumn term when we get straight back into things with our sequence competition at Chesterfield on September 1st. If you wish to come along and support and join in the evening social dance then please let us know.

We then have a new event to attend on September 22nd which will be a medallist competition and will be a good opportunity for more match practice before the run up to the ISTD Blackpool event in November.

Have a good Summer break and we will see you fully refreshed in September.

To The Tower!

It was early Saturday morning when we set off from our hotel to the world famous Tower Ballroom, Blackpool for the start of the NATD Medallist of the Year event. This was the first time we had supported this event and so were uncertain what to expect. We also had a number of competitors who had not done anything like this before and were experiencing the thrill and trepidation of dancing at Blackpool for the first time in a national competition. There were also a number who were dancing as part of Team Duesbury Aldred for the first time at such an event. Well done to those first timers for not only surviving the experience but also dancing very well.

There were dancers form all over the country as well as a group from Malta and it was apparent from the start that it was not going to be easy. Not only were there around 1,000 competitors overall but some events, especially for the juveniles, had over 50 entrants. It was also apparent that there were also a good many experienced competitors across all ages and grades and the overall standard was going to be high.

Nevertheless all of our juveniles received at least one recall with most having two or more. Olivia Rose had two recalls with her waltz and Phoebe had four recalls with her Samba but missed out on the semi final. Tabatha, Connie and Sophie (all first timers) had a number of recalls and April and Ellie made a semi final. Lewie, Kaitlyn and Brooke all made the semi finals of both their ballroom and Latin events but Chloe was our first finalist in her ballroom event finishing fifth a feat she repeated the following day in her Latin event being placed fourth.

The juniors then took up the gauntlet and whilst we only had four in action we were not lacking in experience. Isobel and Paige both made the final of their ballroom event, Isobel being placed fifth and Paige having the distinction of being our first winner of the weekend in the same event. Paige also backed this up with a fifth place the following day in the Latin. Jack came second in his ballroom and third in his Latin event. Unfortunately Fearn did not get any recalls but it was her first experience of this type of event. She danced well and only recently moving to this age group was dancing with many older and more experienced competitors. In the junior couples events, Jack finished third in the Tango dancing with Paige and then on the Sunday was placed fifth in the Rumba dancing with Isobel.

The baton then passed to our adult competitors who had a hard act to follow. They had their Latin events on the Saturday evening and once again they delivered some excellent performances and results especially those who were first timers. Into the finals this evening were Charlotte B, Craig, Sian, John, Chris, Neil, Karen, Xingye, Carol, Peter, Serena, Carla, Allison, Andy and Rosalind with Paul becoming our second winner of the day.

The couples events followed and there were a number of new partnerships formed who did exceptionally well considering the short time they had had to practise. Into at least one, and in many cases, both of their finals were Chris & Serena, Paul & Karen, Neil & Carla, Alison & Kathryn, Andy & Dawn, Rosalind & Allison, Hazel & Debbie and Dennis & Sue. Wins were recorded by Craig & Charlotte B and Peter & Carol.

 It had been a long day, having spend over 17 hours in the ballroom and we still had another day to go! The adults were in action once again on the Sunday evening with their ballroom events this time and managed to surpass the performances of the previous day. All of our Latin finalists once again reached their ballroom finals with the addition of Dawn who also made her final today. However; Craig, Sian, Chris, Carol, Serena, Allison and Andy all exceeded their results from Saturday by winning their events, a great achievement and well done to you all.

Further success was to come in the couples events with final placings for Craig & Karly, Neil & Carla, Rosalind & Allison, Hazel & Debbie and Dennis & Sue. In addition, winning one of their couples events were Chris & Serena, Peter & Carol and Andy & Dawn.

Boris and the bear supporters club were very excited by all the success but also enjoyed seeing some of the newer team members performing for the first time and doing so well. They were particularly pleased to have a table to sit on where they could get a better view of all the action although Arabella was a little distressed to be left to fend for herself on Saturday night!

We finally came to the end of a very long but enjoyable weekend and we are very proud of all your achievements whether that was getting a recall, making a final or winning. Well done for all your hard work and dedication.

Of course we must thank our dedicated team of partners and teachers; Luke, Ruth and Liam who help make it all possible and the excellent support all our dancers receive from family and friends.

Well done to all involved,  you were amazing.

ISTD Sequence Medallist Day

The beginning of June usually sees the ISTD sequence competition and this year was no exception. There were a few missing from our regular team which was sad but nevertheless we had a good turnout with some attending this event for the first time to get some match practice ahead of the NATD Medallist Finals in Blackpool.

In only his second competition, Ashton earned a second place in his classical sequence event then third in the modern and latin sequence. Along with April, he was also placed a creditable fourth in the juvenile couples event, their first competition together.

Rosalind, Alison T, Kathryn, Georgina and Lewie were also attending this event for the first time and all gave a good account of themselves, with Lewis picking up three fourth places in his events.

At today’s event there were first places for Alison T, Kathryn, Paige, Peter, Olivia, Serena, Hazel Grace P, Neil, Carla, Carol, Emily, Christine, Sue and Rosalind. Serena won all her individual events, as did Grace P who also won her couples event with Olivia. Neil and Carla also won their couples event and Emily and April came 5th in the adult and child Cha Cha Cha from the largest entry of the day.

Also worthy of a mention was Jack’s second place in his Classical Sequence event, beating some very experienced dancers.

A new event for this year was a “friendly” change partner Pro Am competition. Taking part from our school were Robert, Louise, Luke, Ruth, Liam, Grace P, Andrew, Emily, Olivia and Craig. The dances were the Fylde Waltz and Waverley Two Step and a vocal audience cheered their favourites and seemed to enjoy the light hearted diversion from  the main business of the day. In the end it was a win for “Girl Power” with Louise and Olivia taking first place ahead of the “boy band” comprising Liam and Craig.

Once again we thank all the partnering team: Luke, Ruth, Liam, Grace P, Emily and Craig for their continued support and dedication. We also must thank the three J’s, Joan, Jean and Julie for their help on the day and all the supporters who give our dancers such fantastic encouragement whatever the results.

The next event will be a new experience and for many people a first opportunity to dance, in a competition, at the famous Blackpool Tower ballroom. It promises to be an exciting weekend for those attending. Boris and the bears are very much looking forward to the event and when Boris told them about taking part in the team parade they were even more excited as most of them have not experienced this before. Watch this space for a full report.

“And the winners are….”

Liam Pywell and Alexandra Stainton!

We are pleased to announce that at the recent Carl Alan Awards ceremony Liam and Alex won an award for “Outstanding Classical Sequence Partnership”. The Carl Alan awards are like the Oscars of the dance world where dancers from all around the world are recognised for their contribution to dance in different categories.

Liam and Alex have been nominated previously but were sucessful on this occasion. It was a pity that Alex was not able to be there in person at the ceremony since she is still “down under” but is nevertheless delighted to have received the award.

Our sincerest congratulations to both of you on this well deserved achievement. Boris is very pleased with you both although Liam and Alexandra bear want to know if that means they will also get one!

NATD Ballroom Qualifier

It was not such an early morning this time as the event was on our doorstep. We ventured to Kirkby in Ashfield for the second NATD qualifier for the Blackpool Tower medallist finals. We had pretty much a full team turnout and although it was essentially an in-house affair it was still good for everyone to gain some “match practice”.

Lessons are vital, of course, but you cannot replicate the effect of getting dressed up in your dance clothes and performing in front of a panel of adjudicators and a knowledgeable audience, which is essential for those looking to do well in competitions.

Naturally everyone managed to qualify and so will be eligible to dance at Blackpool which will be a whole new and exciting experience for some. There were some good performances today with many people raising their game, owhich they will need to do at the Tower, particularly in the couples events where some people had been put together without much practice and still managed to give a good account of themselves. The juveniles especially have some difficult dances to perform and all of them rose to the occasion well.

The highlight of the day was the “all in” Ragtime Swing which was a change partner event and had a real sociable feel to it. Juveniles, juniors and adults all partnered each other and everyone had a smile on their faces as they danced around. The finalist in order of merit were: Jack and Dawn, Craig and Carla, Andrew and Carol, Paige and Allison, Ellie and Karly and Grace and Phoebe. Well done to everyone for entering into the spirit of the event.

Of course Boris and his merry band of bears (and Arabella) were in attendance to lead the cheers and keep a keen eye on proceedings and the support from all the parents and followers was terrific. 

Well done to everyone who came along today, it was a real team effort in which everyone played their part.

We have a slight lull in the competitions over the next few weeks as we work hard for the exams in two weeks before we start again in June and the run up to Blackpool!

Southport Easter Festival

Easter turned out to be a real scorcher this year and not just because we had four days of warm sunny weather but we were at the Southport Easter Festival with three days of action packed sequence competitions. The team this year consisted of Josh & Grace, Stuart & Andrea, Neil & Carla, Andrew & Dawn and Craig & Emma.

The competitions began about 2pm on Friday and we finished around 11.30pm on the Sunday night (not continually I might add) but nevertheless quite an endurance test for those who were spectating as well as the dancers.

Friday saw all couples in action with Craig & Emma winning both of their events closely followed by Neil & Carla in second place and Andrew & Dawn in fourth in the same events. Stuart & Andrea won one of their events and came second in the other whilst Josh & Grace finished fifth in their event. A good start to the weekend then, could it be repeated over the next two days?

Boris was pleased to see that Liam bear came along but was disappointed to see the neither Alexandra or Logan were in attendance. Some said that Alexandra had gone to Australia with her namesake but Boris thought this unlikely. the two Liam’s were able to console each other however at having been dumped by their respective partners!

The team were back in action on the Saturday and again won all of their events with Neil and Carla keeping them on their toes in second and Andrew & Dawn also made all of their finals as well. Stuart & Andrea were placed second in one of their events and third in the other two whilst Josh & Grace made all of their finals. Saturday night ended with a party which gave everyone a chance to mingle with fellow competitors and attendees away from the competitive environment and it was good to see all ages mixing together in this way, which is what the festivals are all about.

After a brief interlude for sleep we were back in action once again on the Sunday which began with a visit from The Easter Bunny (aka Louise). Today saw the revival of the Southport Eight Dance events which are a test of  both memory and stamina in addition to ability. Once again Craig & Emma took top honours with Carla & Neil in third and Andrew & Dawn in fifth. In the Senior eight dance event Stuart & Andre finished third whilst Josh & Grace were sixth in their event. Not only did the dancers have the eight dance events to contend with but they had other competitions as well with Craig & Emma repeating the, by now, familiar pattern of winning with Neil & Carla in second and Andrew & Dawn also making the final.

The finale of the weekend came with the open Latin sequence event which was a five dance event including the challenging Tauromachia Paso Doble. This proved quite a test for some of our dancers who nevertheless applied themselves and acquitted themselves admirably on the night. Josh & Grace finished third with Craig & Emma fourth, Neil & Carla fifth and Andrew & Dawn sixth.

We finally retired to the bar to relive the highlights and contemplate another highly enjoyable and successful weekend.

Boris also made some new friends, Gordon and Sybil, who he was very pleased to meet and hopes they may put in an appearance at future events.

“Boris in his penthouse suite”

No long to draw breath before the NATD qualifier next Sunday which hopefully will lead to another enjoyable and successful weekend in July. 

NATD Latin Qualifier

Yesterday the team set forth to Daventry for the first of the NATD Blackpool qualifiers. There were some familiar faces along with some who were dipping their toe into this kind of event for the first time and all hoping to qualify for a place to dance at the iconic Blackpool Tower ballroom.

We have been to Daventry on previous occasions but not since it has been a qualifying event so it was a new experience for many. This time the events were for the Latin qualifiers with the ballroom ones being held later in the month. The standard is always quite high here particularly in the lower age groups and so all the juveniles who managed to qualify did particularly well.

Congratulations then to Phoebe, Lewie, Tabatha, April, Chloe, Brooke, Isobel, Paige, Grace S, Fearn, Brian, Heather, Sian, John, Carol, Kathryn, Georgina, Peter, Jack, Alison T, Chris, Serena, Karly, Paul, Carla, Allison, Neil, Karen, Xingye, Dawn, Andrew, Hazel, Debbie and Rosalind who all managed to secure their place at Blackpool.

As mentioned the largest entries were in the Juvenile age groups and so Phoebe did very well to make the final 10 with her Samba, a difficult dance at any age. Lewie secured fourth also with his samba and April and Tabatha finished second and fourth with their rumbas. Brooke and Chloe made it a one-two in their samba event by being placed first and second, Paige and Isobel, in their event secured second and third whilst Grace S had a “dance off” for her second place and Fearn finished fifth in the same event. There were first places today for Jack, Chris, Serena, Paul, Allison, Neil, Karen, Dawn, Andrew and Rosalind so well done to everyone who took part, there was a great team spirit as always and lots of support for all the team.

There followed the annual Ragtime Swing events which always have by far the largest entries and today was no exception with all three events requiring two heats and several recalls. Chloe and Brooke made it to the semi final of their event and Jack & Isobel finished second in their event with Paige and Grace not far behind in fourth. Paul & Karen made it to the final finishing second as did Andrew & Dawn who were placed fifth. No trophies this time but well done to everyone who took part particularly the impromptu partnerships.

Finally we made it to the ballroom couples events and once again the team enjoyed successes. April & Tabatha were second in their event as were Lewie and Phoebe. Chloe & Brooke were placed fourth in their event and Paige & Grace S were fifth with their quickstep. There were wins for Jack & Isobel, Paul & Karen and Andrew & Dawn with Chris & Serena and Peter & Carol securing second places in their events only being beaten by others from our school. Ellie & Kaitlyn narrowly missed out on winning the Rose Bowl by being placed second but danced their Cha Cha Cha very well together.

Thank you to all the supporters, it made for very enjoyable day and also to Luke for coming along to help with partnering.

Boris was pleased to see so many of his chums and was especially pleased to welcome new recruit Hector to the family and to hear that he was being well treated in his new home.

The next outing will be 28th April for “part two” make sure you don’t miss it.

ISTD Sequence Qualifier

Yesterday was the ISTD Sequence Qualifier and Inventive Dance competition and once again the team turned out in force. Since this is only a qualifier for the Blackpool three dance events it is usually a short day and the entries are usually small but nevertheless it gives some the opportunity to qualify that haven’t already done so and valuable floor experience for those that have, which cannot be replicated in lessons.

As usual the support from all of our team was fantastic and there were wins today for April, Jack, Grace P, Neil, Dawn and Carla. Unfortunately in April’s category she was the only one and so had to dance on her own (partnered by Liam of course) which is no easy task. However she rose to the occasion and produced a seemingly nerveless performance.

Well done to everyone today both dancers and supporters for showing great team support and unity. Once again we need to thank our team of helpers; Ruth, Liam, Luke, Grace P, Josh and Emily for partnering, Jean and Maria for helping on the door and Julie for helping with the music.

There is a brief interlude now before a busy April with some of you competing at  the Southport Easter Sequence festival and also we have the two NATD qualifiers which we hope you will all support even if you can’t make the finals at Blackpool.