British Sequence Championships – Blackpool

It is two years since we were last in Blackpool, which in some ways seems a long time and in others, no time at all. This year the festival was a little different but it was fantastic to be back in the magnificent Empress Ballroom doing what we all love and have been deprived of, for such a long time.

When the music strikes up and the competitors are announced onto the floor you are instantly transported to another dimension where time has no meaning and the troubles of the world do not exist, at least for those three days. It was magnificent that so many dancers attended, in the present climate, and were able to produce the standards they did considering the lack of practice and competition experience they have had.

In action this week we had Josh & Grace, Stuart & Andrea, Craig & Emma, Neil & Carla and Andrew & Dawn. All performed brilliantly and the results from the team exceeded expectations.

First into action on Sunday evening were Stuart and Andrea in their Classical Sequence Championship who finished in second place although they danced well and could easily have won if a mark or two more had gone in their favour. Josh and Grace were also in action in their Modern Sequence Championship finishing a highly respectable third behind the reigning champions. A good start to the festival.

Monday saw the other three couples in action and again all of them danced well, rising to the occasion. Craig and Emma, and Neil and Carla both won their Classical Sequence events, successfully defending the titles they won here last time. Andrew and Dawn were second in the Over 35 years section beaten only by Neil and Carla making it a one-two in this event.

All too soon we reached the final day of the festival and Tuesday saw all five couples in action. After the successes of the first two days it would be hard to do better but nevertheless the team managed it. In the Amateur Classical Championship Josh and Grace were once again placed third, firmly establishing their credentials at this level. Stuart and Andrea bettered their result from Sunday by securing first place in their Modern Sequence event. This win was a long time coming and was thoroughly deserved, proving that hard work and dedication does pay off. The other three couples were competing in their open Modern Sequence event and against stiff competition, Craig and Emma won with Neil and Carla in runners up spot whilst Andrew and Dawn were placed fourth. Overall then we could not have expected much better from our dancers.

Naturally Boris was on hand to lead the support and he was very excited to be back in action and reunited with his chums. All the support from family and friends was amazing as always and it was lovely to see Luke, Liam and Chris coming along to lend their support as well.

Of course the results are important but what was more important was the opportunity to dance in this magnificent setting once again and meet with friends who we haven’t seen for ages. The saying “you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone” has been very appropriate lately and I think almost everyone, regardless of their result was just glad to be back and appreciated the festival all the more for having had the break.

It won’t be too long before we are back in Blackpool again for Grand Finals and we will have more of the team in action. Sadly some of you will not be attending this time but hopefully those who are will be equally inspired by the team’s performances this week.

Chesterfield 2021

We’re Back!!!

Last year should have been our tenth year of running this event but of course the pandemic put an end to that. Nevertheless we decided to press ahead this year inspite of the ongoing uncertainties.

We knew it would be a smaller event than usual with many dancers having life changes during this period and others still unsure about attending events. However we thought it was important to press ahead to give dancers the opportunity to “test the water” in a smaller environment and brush off the cobwebs. For others, who will hopefully be competing at Blackpool in October and November it was also a good opportunity to gain some match practice after such a long break away from the floor.

Whilst smaller than usual we were pleased to see how many turned out to support and were especially pleased with the response from our own school. Everyone in the team worked so hard to prepare themselves for the event with some having new material to learn and others having to take to the floor in the Solo events which was another new experience. Brooke and Chloe were also competing in their first events as Juniors and looked really lovely in their junior dresses. Everyone put in great performances and were a credit to the team. There were a few shaky starts as you might expect at the first event for such a long time but soon the competitive edge kicked in and it was like we’d never been away.

Results weren’t important today it was all about getting back on the floor rembering how to perform and reminding ourselves why we love dancing so much. Well done to all involved.

Huge thanks also to our team of helpers without whom it wouldn’t be possible to put on such events: Joan, Ruth, Jean, Julie, Chris, Janice and Brian. It was great to see Allison and Hazel come along to support as well and I am sure everyone was pleased to be able to catch up with dancing freinds once more.

Boris was so excited to see everyone back again and enjoyed catching up with his chums once more although he did remark on some notable absences! He hopes to be able to see them again at the next event however.

NATD Exam Session

It was good to be back dancing again and finally we managed to hold our NATD exam session yesterday which we had intended to do in December 2020 but which naturally had to be postponed. Our last exams took place in December 2019 and who knew how the world was about to change when we did that?

The session was not quite the same as normal, those who did not have a partner in the same household had to perform on their own with Louise and I dancing alongside, and those who did have a partner danced together. Nevertheless everyone rose to the occasion, coping extremely well with the situation and doing a fantastic job in spite of the many obstacles that we have encountered along the way.

It also gave everyone an opportunity to put our dance clothes and dresses on again, (which in some cases may have “shrunk” since they last saw the light of day!) do hair and make up and generally remember what it used to be like. It was great to see how everyone responded to the situation and hopefully reminded us all of the joy of dancing.

Of course Boris was on hand to support everyone and he was delighted to see what you had all achieved, he thought you were all amazing. He is hoping it won’t be too much longer now before events are permitted and he can be reunited with his bear chums. Colin too was excited especially with the Latin, to see if his isolation demonstrations had had the desired effect!

The examiner was highly complimentary, remarking how well everyone had done and was impressed by the high standard achieved. We are proud of you all and thank you for your continued support and dedication over this difficult period. Let’s hope the worst is now behind us and we can look forward to a brighter future.

A Christmas Message

2020 will be remembered as one of the most difficult and challenging year’s for everyone.

It started well with our usual round of qualifying events at Kettering,
Castleford and West Park and we also had a fabulous turnout for our own competition in March. The Medal Presentation dance was also a highlight with some excellent performances by our younger dancers. Little did we know what was around the corner and all of that now seems a lifetime ago.

At the end of March of course, like everyone else we entered lockdown and were not able to open for four months. Nevertheless, some of you managed to enjoy dancing in different ways through our videos and Zoom (who knew what that was before March?)

Fortunately we were able to open again in July, almost to the day when we officially opened our new studio only a year before. It was great to see so many of you return and although things were different, everyone adapted really well especially those of you who have had to get used to dancing solo, which is no easy task, and you will no doubt be better dancers for the experience.

We would like to thank you all for the dedication, resiliance and loyalty you have shown throughout this period and we hope that we will be able to gradually return to some form of normality in the New Year.

Of course Boris won’t be able to visit Bearmuda during the break but will be enjoying a quiet Christmas at home this year.

We wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a safe and healthy New Year. Let’s hope 2021 turns out to be an improvement on this year!

Robert, Louise and Boris

Welcome Back!

It has been four months since we had to close but last week, one year to the day when we had the official opening of the new studio, we were back in action. Of course it is not quite the same as before and we have to get used to some new procedures but at least it is a start.

It was heartening to see that so many of you were keen to get back into action again and if we haven’t managed to contact you yet then we will be doing so over the next few weeks, or of course feel free to get in touch with us.

Boris was, of course on hand to welcome everyone back and was pleased to see you all since it may be some while before we get to go to an event. I am sure he will have be “Zooming” with all his bear chums to keep in touch, but if they wish to send a photo and a goodwill message we will post them on the blog.

Dance with Boris

We hope you are all managing to keep safe and well.

Boris hopes that you have been joining in with the last set of videos we sent and thank you to those who sent messages of support and to tell us how you enjoyed dancing along and found them helpful.

Here is how Ruth and Julie managed to dance along “separately but together” with Louise to Windscreen Wipers.

We thought you might be ready for something new to keep you occupied and so have sent a few more video links for you to join in with. We hope you find them useful in helping to stay active. We will leave the Waltz routines in place so you can also keep referring back to them as well.

Take care, keep calm and carry on dancing!

Keeping in Touch

We hope that you and your families are remaining well and staying healthy. With week three of lockdown well underway and the prospect of more to come it’s important to try to keep active both mentally and physically.

With this in mind Louise and I recorded some video clips which many of you have watched already and hopefully joined in with. We hope to do some more going forward but please keep referring back to the existing ones, they were made to be “environmentally friendly” that is, to used more than once!

If you haven’t had the email with the links then please check your spam folder and if it’s not there please let us know and we’ll resend it to you. Keep us informed about how you’re getting on with them and maybe send a photo of yourself in action and we’ll post it on the blog.

Boris has also been kept very busy with the nationwide “bear hunt” although he is a bit disappointed that he hasn’t had many passers by yet.

Take care all and we’ll hope to see you again soon.

Robert, Louise and Boris

ISTD Sequence Qualifier

We had hardly returned from our break than the team were once again in action. It was the ISTD Sequence Qualifier and Inventive Dance Competition. This is an event which is nice and local for us and although the turnout is often small it does offer a good opportunity for those not already qualified to qualify. In addition it also gives those who have qualified the chance to have some valuable match practice which cannot be gained other than on the competition floor.

With recent events we were expecting a poor turnout, especially with the age profile of many of the regular attendees. We were pleasantly surprised therefore that there was in the end a good audience who don’t normally get to see the medallist competitors in action anywhere else and are very appreciative of seeing some good dancing.

We had a good turnout from the team today and all those who needed to obtained those valuable qualifying slots. Today’s winners were Chloe, Ellie, Isobel, Grace P, Charlotte B, Serena, Andrew and Debbie. Well done to everyone and a big thank you to all who supported the event in these troubled times.

As always we need to thank all our partners, Luke, Liam, Ruth, Grace, Emily and Craig and also Jean and Julie for their assistance during the day. We can’t do it without you.

We were also introduced to the new poster girl (and boy) of the ISTD, Grace and Josh. Next stop Vogue perhaps!

With things as they are it may be some time before we get the chance to go out again but we will keep you informed as we receive information ourselves.

In the meantime it is our intention to remain open, in some form, for the time being and we will communicate our intentions separately as soon as we have more information and the situation is a little clearer.

Poetry in Motion

We were up with the larks and this was the start of the Dancesteps event on the first of March. 

Excited voices and dancing feet, the sound of music with a hip-notic beat.

Pinning numbers, brushing shoes, every dancer hoping to win or improve.  

Louise on the stage, running the event, with calm and expert confidence.

Andrew and Julie sit by her side, doing their part with Louise as a guide.

Preparing to partner were Robert and Ruth, Liam and Luke, making up part of a bigger dance troupe.

Bags of energy was required for this endeavour but I have no doubt it provided them with just as much pleasure.

The little ones first, Oh what a joy! They show such promise those little girls and boys.

Then you could have knocked me down with a feather when Crayg and Robert danced beautifully together.

The sequence section is my favourite thing (along with the make-up, the hair, and the bling!)

Some new partnerships here which were totally inspired and a place in the final we all desired.

Then when we came to the Latin events my breath was taken away by the shining performances of the Paso Doble.

The support of the school is second to none and I personally feel cannot be outdone.

When we dance on the floor those shouts and those cheers are wonderful music to our ears.

Last but not least I must mention Boris. With his little bearfriends (not bare friends), they presided all day and stayed right till the end when it was all packed away.

Whilst writing this gives me time to reflect, I also hope there is a clue or two you might get.

I am proud to be part of the Duesbury Aldred Dance Family and I think this poem may reveal something about me. Now I am wondering if anyone out there knows who I might be.


Dancesteps Competition 2020

It was twelve years ago when we ran our first Dancesteps competition and yesterday marked the 10th anniversary of the first “Individuals Competition”, traditionally held in March. I wonder how many of you were at those early events, certainly there were a few of you.

This is certainly the one which always goes in Boris’s diary first as he not only gets to meet all his chums, some of whom don’t get to come out every time, he also gets to sit on the stage and gets a good view of everyone’s progress.

We couldn’t have asked for a much better turnout from the school and there were some first timers with us today who will hopefully want to repeat the experience. They all did extremely well so congratulations to: Peter, Scarlett, Irina, Lydia and Leanne. Furthermore Scarlett went on to win two of her events whilst Leanne reached her ballroom final. Evie was dancing at this event for the first time, although she had done one competition previously and must have been delighted to have won two of her events.

There were many personal bests achieved today; for some it was getting a recall, going a round further than previously or making a final and for others it was just about making it round the floor without a trauma. No doubt our “Mystery Blogger” will share some of their personal recollections from the day so watch this space.

The role of honour is lengthy but alongside Scarlett and Evie there were wins today for: Kaitlyn, Tabatha, Chloe, Grace S, Olivia, Chris, Peter, Craig, Paul, Carla, Grace P, Karen, Ashton, Paige and Serena and many of those won two or more of their events. In the couples events there were wins for: Paige & Grace S, Josh & Grace P, Paul & Karen and Chloe & Tabatha and again some of these were multiple winners. Finally the all important adult and child events were won by Craig & Chloe and Josh & Paige.

A huge thank you is owed to all our helpers that make the day possible. Jean and Maria on the door, Andrew on the music, Julie for scrutineering, Joan for collecting the judges tickets and our raffle ticket sellers without compare, Rob and Debbie. All the teachers; Luke, Ruth and Liam for their unstinting and selfless support. Those who are now growing into their roles as partners alongside competing themselves, giving others the opportunity to share in the experience: Grace P, Josh, Craig, Emily, Karly, Karen, Paul, Olivia, Serena and Jack. It was a fantastic team effort.

Don’t forget to look out for the report from our Mystery Blogger!